So, Where Do I Begin?

Well, I have been thinking about diving into the blogging world for some time and today I take the plunge.  Let’s see, where do I begin?  I guess I will start with a little bit about me.  I am married with one son and a dog; they seem to be the inspiration for most things in my life so you will learn more about them as time goes on.  That I can promise you.  I have been married for almost 20 years and have accumulated an encyclopedic size volume of stories; I would venture that the purpose of this blog is to chronicle my journeys through life as I know it.  Sometimes things that appear to be simple often turn out quite complicated as I have discovered on more than one occasion, so it makes perfect sense to me that I include that into my blog’s title.  I welcome you to join me on my journey and invite comments, even if we respectfully see things differently.  If you have questions, just ask.  Ok…Let’s go!

I will admit that writing a blog seems like an easy thing to do — just put your thoughts down and publish.  This is of course true, but for me it seems a little more complicated than that because I tend to think and rethink what I want to say before I put it down. This means that the sentence you just read was typed more than one time, but some of you know me well enough to know that already.  I hope that the more I do this the better and smoother my blogs will be and that I can say something that helps or inspires someone. Ultimately all I can do is navigate my life and learn things that perhaps I never thought I would, but I am no different from anyone else.  I just have different things to live, learn and share.  Let’s see what’s next…Thanks for reading.